Yesterday The world went crazy and zombie apocalypse began. But not to worry, the Scouts of the apocalypse where on hand to do more than just tie some knots and help some old ladies across the street.
Okay not really, but imagine if that did happen? What would you do? Who would you call?
Mike and his Scout troop get to find out first hand if they are up to the task.
Yesterday something else scary did happen. Amazon made the print version of Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Plague by Michell Plested, available for pre-order.
The book will be available in all formats (Print / Mobi / Ebpub) from all your favorite retailers June 15th 2015.
But you don’t want miss out, and have to wait for your copy (you never know when the apocalypse is going to happen and you want to Be Prepared) so head over to Amazon today and get your copy on order.